VMware Certification Training 2V0-620 Dumps | Killtest

It must be clear that Killtest VMware Certification Training 2V0-620 Dumps are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. 2V0-620 training materials provide you everything you will need to take a VMware test examination. Killtest VMware certification 2V0-620 questions and answers are written to the highest standards of technical accuracy, using only certified subject matter experts and published authors for development. Don't leave your fate to 2V0-620 books, you should sooner trust VMware Certification Training 2V0-620 Dumps than to depend on a thick 2V0-620 vSphere 6 Foundations Beta book. If you are learning 2V0-620 vSphere 6 Foundations Beta, you will definitely need VMware Certification Training 2V0-620 Dumps, in addition to VMware company official textbooks, you may also need to participate in the training courses organized by the training center to you master 2V0-620 vSphere 6 Foundations Beta knowledge points.

vSphere 6 Foundations 2V0-620 Exam | 2V0-620 VMware Certification Training | 2V0-620 VMware vSphere 6 Study Guide

An administrator has just completed performing an interactive installation of ESXi 6.x and is booting the host.
How is the network initially configured? 
A. The network is configured by Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). 
B. The network is configured based on the settings detected in DNS. 
C. The network is configured with the address as specified in the installer. 
D. The network is automatically configured by DHCP. 
Answer: D

An administrator deploys vCenter Serverusing theembedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller. 
What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? 
A. Deploya fresh instance ofvCenter Serverwith an externalPlatform Services Controller. 
B. Performa fresh installof an external Platform Services Controller. 
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller. 
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller. 
Answer: A

An administrator deploys vCenter Server using the embedded Platform Services Controller. After testing the deployment for a couple of months, it is determined that the environment would be better served with an external Platform Services Controller.What should the administrator do to meet this new requirement? 
A. Deploy a fresh instance of vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller. 
B. Perform a fresh install of an external Platform Services Controller. 
C. Migrate the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller. 
D. Upgrade the embedded Platform Services Controller to an external Platform Services Controller. 
Answer: A

What is the effective vSphere licensing level during the 60 day evaluation period? 
A. vSphere Foundation Essentials Plus 
B. vSphere Standard 
C. vSphere Enterprise 
D. vSphere Enterprise Plus 
Answer: D

Which vSphere6Enterprise Editionfeature will allow an organization to ensure that critical multi-threaded applications have the maximum possible uptime? 
A. Fault Tolerance 
B. High Availability 
C. Distributed Resource Scheduler 
D. App HA 
Answer: A

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