70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services MCSA: Office 365 70-347 Materials 2017

With the complete collection of Microsoft 70-347 study materials, Killtest 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services MCSA: Office 365 70-347 Materials are high enough to help the candidates to pass the 70-347 exam easily without any other study materials and no need to attend the expensive training class. Killtest 70-347 practice test is your ideal choice for the preparation of 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services exam in your Microsoft certification. 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services MCSA: Office 365 70-347 Materials are carefully organized at Killtest by the highly Professional Microsoft certified. At Killtest you will be able to find very much exam related material for 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services exam. With our world class solutions to pass Microsoft Office 365 70-347 Test, Killtest Microsoft 70-347 test materials come with a 100% guarantee that you will ace your 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services test. The 70-347 Enabling Office 365 Services MCSA: Office 365 70-347 Materials are 100% guaranteed to make you pass your 70-347 exam and are unparalleled in quality.

Real Microsoft 70-347 Sample Questions, Killtest 70-347 Practice Exam

You are the Office 365 ProPlus administrator for your company. Each user is assigned an E3 license. All client computers are on a local area network. Users do not have administrative privileges on their client computers. You are configuring a network-based installation of the most recent version of Office for all client computers. You need to ensure that the installation process does not display any dialog boxes or require user input.Which option should you specify in the Configuration.xml file? 
A. < Display Level = "Minimal" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> 
B. < Display Level="Silent" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> 
C. < Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUEM /> 
D. < Display Level = "Full" AcceptEULA="TRUE" /> 
Answer: C

Your company subscribes to the Office 365 Enterprise El plan. You are the Microsoft Exchange Online administrator. In the last week, employees have reported that they are receiving non-delivery report messages from other companies. The employees have not sent messages to recipients within those companies. You need to prevent non-delivery report messages from reaching employees.Which content filter option should you turn on in the Exchange admin center? 
A. NDR backscatter 
B. Conditional Sender ID filtering: hard fail 
C. SPF record: hard fail 
D. Block all bulk email messages 
Answer: D

You are the Office 365 administrator for your company. You need to configure Microsoft Lync Online to disable alerts for voicemail and instant messages to Windows Phones.What should you do? 
A. Use the Set-CsHostedVoiceMailPolicy Windows PowerShell cmdlet. 
B. Use the Set-CsPushNotificationConfiguration Windows PowerShell cmdlet. 
C. In the Lync admin center, select the Display presence information only to a user's contacts option. 
D. Use the Set-CsUser Windows PowerShell cmdlet. 
Answer: B

Contoso, Ltd.has an Office 365 Enterprise E3 plan. Contoso uses the domain contoso.com for email and instant messaging (IM). Contoso requires that website visitors who go to http://contoso.com be directed to the company's Microsoft SharePoint Online publicwebsite. You need to configure Office 365 to redirect the website requests without affecting the company's email or IM.What should you do? 
A. In the SharePoint admin center, rename the public website to http://contoso.com. 
B. In the Office 365 admin center, change the domain purpose for contoso.com to SharePoint. 
C. On the authoritative DNS servers, add a CNAME record for contoso.com. 
D. In the Office 365 admin center, add a new subdomain. Then set up redirection for http://contoso.com to the subdomain. 
Answer: D

You manage client computing devices for a company. Office 365 was recently deployed for all employees in the sales department.company policy requires the installation of Office 365 ProPlus on all new client computing devices for sales department employees. The company recently purchased Surface Pro 2 devices for all sales department employees. You are testing a new Office deployment for a specific user on a Surface Pro 2.You are unable to activate Office on the Surface Pro 2.An error message states that the install limit has been reached. You need to activate Office 365 ProPlus on the Surface Pro 2 for the user.What should you do? 
A. Sign in to the Office 365 portal as the user and deactivate unused Office 365 ProPlus licenses. 
B. Sign in to the Office 365 admin center as an Office 365 administrator. Remove and then re-add the user's Office 365 ProPlus license. 
C. Install a licensed copy of Office Professional Plus 2013 that is covered under a volume licensing agreement. 
D. Sign in to the Office 365 admin center as an Office 365 administrator and deactivate unused Office 365 ProPlus licenses. 
Answer: A

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