2017 New Huawei HCNA-Transmission H31-311-ENU Exam Guide H31-311 Practice Test

The Huawei Certification H31-311-ENU exam Huawei Certified Network Associate-Transmission is the exam associated with the Huawei certification. You can find a variety of H31-311-ENU practice exam on the internet to prepare yourself for your Huawei H31-311-ENU Huawei Certified Network Associate-Transmission Certification Exam. Killtest Huawei HCNA-Transmission H31-311-ENU Exam Guide H31-311 Practice Test are the best toll to prepare for your H31-311-ENU Huawei Certification Exam. Huawei Certification H31-311-ENU questions and answers provide you with the experience of taking the actual test. Not only H31-311-ENU questions and answers, Huawei HCNA-Transmission H31-311-ENU Exam Guide H31-311 Practice Test are also your access to high technical expertise and accelerated learning capacity. Killtest Huawei H31-311-ENU questions are 100% tested and verified by certified experts. Killtest Huawei HCNA-Transmission H31-311-ENU Exam Guide H31-311 Practice Test include Huawei H31-311-ENU Questions and Answers and other Huawei Certification H31-311-ENU study material for your ultimate Huawei Certification H31-311-ENU Preparation Experience.

Huawei HCNA-Transmission H31-311-ENU Study Materials Killtest H31-311-ENU Practice Exam 2017

OSN 3500 branch business ability is strong, with 16 branch line slots, single sub-rack has 504 2M, 32 E4, 117 E3/DS3, and 132 STM-1e, providing STM-1/4/16/64 group rate. 
A. True 
B. False 
Answer: A

Which of the following belongs to the main functions of U2000 network management? 
A. Topology management 
B. Performance management 
C. Fault Maintenance 
D. End-to-end service management 
Answer: ABD

Both QinQ and MPLS can provide users with L2 VPN services, but QinQ is cheaper and simpler than MPLS. 
A. True 
B. False 
Answer: A

Which of the following does the advantage of WDM mainly include? (Multiple choice) 
A. Large capacity, the data "transparent" transmission 
B. System upgrade easy, upgrade can maximally protect existing investments 
C. can fully replace the SDH equipment 
D. Compatible with future all-optical switching networks 
E. High degree of networking flexibility, economy and reliability 
Answer: ABDE

Which of the following is OPUk Payload Structure identifying the overhead? 
Answer: B

Which of the following situation happens, the ODUk_PM_DEG alarm is reported on the network management? 
A. The error code of the PM segment in ODU layer exceeds the limit; the number of error codes exceeds the threshold of the specified error codes excess 
B. The error code of the PM segment in ODU layer is degraded, the number of error codes exceed the threshold of the specified error degradation 
C. The signal in ODUk TCMn layer is degraded, the number of error codes exceed the threshold of the error code excess 
D. The error code in ODUk TCMn layer exceeds the limit, the number of error codes exceed the threshold of the specified error degradation 
Answer: B

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