2017 New Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB2-716 Practice Test Microsoft MB2-716 Study Guide
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration MB2-716 Real Questions 2017
Which three statements regarding form design or behavior for the mobile phone or tablet application are true? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. The form selector is available.
B. The first five tabs will display.
C. Activities can be modified.
D. Tabs do not have the expand and collapse capability.
E. If business rules are changed while the mobile app is open, the app must be closed and reopened for those changes to apply.
Answer: ABC
Which two form areas allow you to read from and write to all visible fields? Each answer presents a complete solution.
A. Header
B. Body
C. Navigation
D. Footer
Answer: C
You need to display data that is referenced by a lookup field on a form. Which option should you use?
A. Quick Find View
B. Associated View
C. Quick View
D. Public View
Answer: D
Which statement regarding ordering of items in the mobile navigation menu is
A. Menu item placement is governed by mobile offline settings.
B. Menu item placement is based on the site map.
C. Most recently used entities appear first.
D. Menu items are displayed in alphabetical order.
Answer: A
Which of the following chart types can be configured as an organization-owned chart but not as a user owned chart?
A. bar and line
B. tag or doughnut
C. line and multi-series
D. area and funnel
Answer: D
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Killtest is your best choice. With the Killtest MB2-716 study materials, you not only get Microsoft MB2-716 questions and answers as you may well expect from MB2-716 exam questions, but you will also get qualified and accurate answers so that you get a firm grasp of the information. Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB2-716 Practice Test Microsoft MB2-716 Study Guide give you the IT ticket to go beyond the basic exam training and pass MB2-716 exam by Using Killtest. We are confident that Killtest Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB2-716 Practice Test Microsoft MB2-716 Study Guide are qualitative enough to make you satisfied with the product. If you are having problems in passing your Microsoft MB2-716 Exam or you want to pass MB2-716 exam by Using Killtest MB2-716 Microsoft certification test. Killtest have the right Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB2-716 Practice Test Microsoft MB2-716 Study Guide for you to pass your Microsoft MB2-716 Exam with confidence. So use Killtest online Microsoft Dynamics 365 MB2-716 Practice Test Microsoft MB2-716 Study Guide today and get on your road of success. In comparison to all those, Killtest have been around for a while and has been reliable resource for MB2-716 Microsoft certification test, offering training materials for different Microsoft certifications.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customization and Configuration MB2-716 Real Questions 2017
Which three statements regarding form design or behavior for the mobile phone or tablet application are true? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. The form selector is available.
B. The first five tabs will display.
C. Activities can be modified.
D. Tabs do not have the expand and collapse capability.
E. If business rules are changed while the mobile app is open, the app must be closed and reopened for those changes to apply.
Answer: ABC
Which two form areas allow you to read from and write to all visible fields? Each answer presents a complete solution.
A. Header
B. Body
C. Navigation
D. Footer
Answer: C
You need to display data that is referenced by a lookup field on a form. Which option should you use?
A. Quick Find View
B. Associated View
C. Quick View
D. Public View
Answer: D
Which statement regarding ordering of items in the mobile navigation menu is
A. Menu item placement is governed by mobile offline settings.
B. Menu item placement is based on the site map.
C. Most recently used entities appear first.
D. Menu items are displayed in alphabetical order.
Answer: A
Which of the following chart types can be configured as an organization-owned chart but not as a user owned chart?
A. bar and line
B. tag or doughnut
C. line and multi-series
D. area and funnel
Answer: D

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